Enjoy the sermons, audiobooks, videos, humor, and other information.

Patrick Henry

970 W. State Route 366

Safford, AZ 85546

2nd Sunday after Pentecost

Father Leonard Goffine & The Church’s Year

Abridged Sermons for all Sundays of the Year by Saint Alphonsus Maria De Liguori, Doctor of the Church.  Edited by Rev. Eugene Grimm.  Copyright 1890, by Elias Frederick Schauer. Holy Communion = Audio MP3 file

Sermon of Saint John Mary Vianney – Holy Mass

Five short sermons by Father Francis Hunolt as PDF files


V2=2nd after Pentecost=How the Procrastinating Sinner Insults God

V3=2nd after Pentecost=The Honor Given to God in the Holy Mass.doc

V4=2nd after Pentecost=The Evil of Being too Much Occupied.doc

V5=2nd after Pentecost=The Timely Reception of the Viaticum.doc

Five short sermons by Father Francis Hunolt as Audio MP3 files V1_2nd_after_Pentecost= Unworthy Communion  V2_2nd_after_Pentecost= How the Procrastinating Sinner Insults God  V3_2nd_after_Pentecost= The Honor Given to God in the Holy Mass  V4_2nd_after_Pentecost= The Evil of Being too much Occupied  V5_2nd_after_Pentecost= The Timely Reception of the Viaticum

Saint Thomas explains the Gospel