Mp3 Audio files for the Short Sermons of Father Francis Hunolt
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V1_1st_of_Advent= Superstition: Its Varieties and Its Malice V2_1st_of_Advent= Penitential Works V3_1st_of_Advent= Happiness of Him Who Puts His Confidence in God V4_1st_of_Advent= Duties of the Young to God V5_1st_of_Advent= The Terrible Signs That Are to Precede the Last Day of General Judgment
V1_2nd_of_Advent= The Superstition of Fortune-Telling V2_2nd_of_Advent= An Easy and Luxurious Life V3_2nd_of_Advent= We Must Place our Confidence in God Alone V4_2nd_of_Advent= The Duties of Masters and Mistresses toward their Servants V5_2nd_of_Advent= The Judge as God
V1_3rd_of_Advent= The Lying Tongue V2_3rd_of_Advent= Penance in Prosperity and in Adversity V3_3rd_of_Advent= Confidence in God in Seemingly Desperate Circumstances V4_3rd_of_Advent= Evening Examination of Conscience V5_3rd_of_Advent= The Suddenness with Which the Last Day Shall Come
V1_4th_of_Advent= Superstition in Sacred Things V2_4th_of_Advent= The Penance of the Innocent and the Just V3_4th_of_Advent= Continual Confidence in God V4_4th_of_Advent= Duties of Subjects to Their Spiritual and Temporal Superiors V5_4th_of_Advent= The Judge as Man
V1_1st_after_Christmas= The Evil Effects of Scandal V2_1st_after_Christmas= The Reasonableness of Works of Penance for All Christians V3_1st_after_Christmas= Confidence in Prayer V4_1st_after_Christmas= The Good Use of Time V5_1st_after_Christmas= The Happy End of our Years
Epiphany Season V1_1st_after_Epiphany= The Dangerous State of Those Who Seldom Hear the Word of God V2_1st_after_Epiphany= The Mission of the Word of God for Procrastinating Sinners V3_1st_after_Epiphany= The Peace of Heart that Comes From a Good Conscience V4_1st_after_Epiphany= The Choice of a State of Life V5_1st_after_Epiphany= The Judge as Our Model
V1_2nd_after_Epiphany= Those Who Hear the Word of God without Fruit V2_2nd_after_Epiphany= Human Frailty in Dangerous Occasions V3_2nd_after_Epiphany= The Happiness of a Good Conscience V4_2nd_after_Epiphany= The Course to Be Adopted by Those Who Intend Embracing the Married State V5_2nd_after_Epiphany= The Judge as Our Redeemer
V1_3rd_after_Epiphany= Those Who Hear the Word of God with Hard Hearts V2_3rd_after_Epiphany= God Refuses His Help to Those Who Voluntarily Rush into Danger V3_3rd_after_Epiphany= The Peace of Conscience in Trials and Under Calumny V4_3rd_after_Epiphany= The Dispositions of Those Who Receive the Sacrament of Matrimony V5_3rd_after_Epiphany= The Summoning of the Dead to Judgment
V1_4th_after_Epiphany= The Small Number of Those Who Hear Sermons Properly V2_4th_after_Epiphany= The Necessity of Removing the Proximate Occasion of Sin V3_4th_after_Epiphany= The Joy of a Good Conscience on Account of One’s Good Works V4_4th_after_Epiphany= Married People Must Be in the Friendship of God That They May Not Lose their Souls V5_4th_after_Epiphany= The Examination of the Sinner in Judgment
V1_5th_after_Epiphany= The Impure Tongue V2_5th_after_Epiphany= Vain Excuses as to the Proximate Occasion V3_5th_after_Epiphany= The Lawfulness of Joy of Conscience on Account of Good Works V4_5th_after_Epiphany= The Necessity of Friendship with God in the Married State in Order to have Temporal Happiness. V5_5th_after_Epiphany= The Accusation of the Criminal in the Judgment
V1_6th_after_Epiphany= Sloth in the Service of God V2_6th_after_Epiphany= On The Torment Caused By A Bad Conscience. V3_6th_after_Epiphany= The Conformity of Joy of Conscience with the Inspired Word of God V4_6th_after_Epiphany= The All-Wise Providence of God in Arranging Different States of Life V5_6th_after_Epiphany= The Conviction of the Criminal in the Judgment
Septuagesima Sunday V1_Septuagesima= The Disgrace of the Season of Shrovetide V2_Septuagesima= Confidence in the Divine Assistance in Unavoidable Dangers V3_Septuagesima= The Marks of a Good Conscience V4_Septuagesima= The Happiness of the Religious Life V5_Septuagesima= The Last Sentence of the Judge on the Criminal
Sexagesima Sunday V1_Sexagesima= The Nature and Characteristics of Gluttony V2_Sexagesima= The Merits to Be Gained in an Unavoidable Association with Sinners V3_Sexagesima= The Loss of Peace of Conscience V4_Sexagesima= The Great Grace of a Vocation to the Religious State V5_Sexagesima= The Frequent Hearing of the Word of God
Quinquagesima Sunday V1_Quinquagesima= Many, During Shrovetide, Prefer to Follow the Devil Rather Than Christ V2_Quinquagesima= On Giving Edification to the Wicked V3_Quinquagesima= The Manner in Which we Ought to Pray V4_Quinquagesima= Shrovetide V5_Quinquagesima= The Eternal Fire of Hell
1st Sunday of Lent V1_1st_of_Lent= How the Fasts of the Church, Which Are Violated By Gluttony, Are to Be Observed V2_1st_of_Lent= The Obligation of Fasting V3_1st_of_Lent= We Must Love and Serve God, Because He Is Our Lord V4_1st_of_Lent= The Happiness of the Unmarried State V5 1st in Lent= The Thoughts of the Reprobate in Hell
2nd Sunday of Lent V1_2nd_of_Lent= The End and Object of Fasting Frustrated By Gluttony V2_2nd_of_Lent= The Necessity of Fasting, as a Penance V3_2nd_of_Lent= The Number of Those Who Really Love God Is Small V4_2nd_of_Lent= The Dangers and Graces of the Unmarried State V5_2nd_of_Lent= The Pain Caused to the Damned by the Thought of Heaven, Or the Pain of Loss
3rd Sunday of Lent V1_3rd_of_Lent= The Unaccountable Folly of those Who Injure their Health by Excessive Drinking V2_3rd_of_Lent= The Necessity of Fasting in Order to Avoid Sin V3_3rd_of_Lent= We Must Fear and Love God, Because He Is Almighty V4_3rd_of_Lent= The Love of Married People for, and their Unity with, Each Other V5_3rd_of_Lent= The Pain of Sense in Hell
4th Sunday of Lent V1_4th_of_Lent= The Shameful Malice of Those Who Injure their Good Name by Excessive Drinking V2_4th_of_Lent= The Necessity of Alms-Giving for the Avoidance of Sin. V3_4th_of_Lent= The Necessity of the Word of God for the Just V4_4th_of_Lent= The Duty of Husbands to Their Wives V5_4th_of_Lent= The Company of the Reprobate in Hell
5th Sunday of Lent V1_5th_of_Lent= The Guilt and Sinful Effects of Habitual Drunkenness V2_5th_of_Lent= The Blindness and Obduracy of the Sinner, a Punishment of Sin V3_5th_of_Lent= The Keeping of the Commandments of God V4_5th_of_Lent= The Conduct of Wives Whose Husbands Give them Cause for Disunion V5_5th_of_Lent= The Justice and Mercy of God in Condemning the Sinner
Season of Easter – Easter Sunday V1_Easter Sunday= Easter-Ingratitude a Vice Hateful to God V2_Easter Sunday= The Stone at the Door of the Sepulcher V3_Easter Sunday= The Honor Given to God by Patience in Adversity V4_Easter Sunday= Childlike Confidence with Which Every One Ought to Abandon Himself to Divine Providence V5_Easter Sunday= The Hope in and Truth of our Future Resurrection
1st Sunday after Easter V1_1st_after_Easter= Parties, Balls, Nightly Promiscuous Gatherings of Young People. V2_1st_after_Easter= On the Evils Indicated by a Relapse into Sin V3_1st_after_Easter= The Reasons we Have for Constantly Recollecting the Presence of God V4_1st_after_Easter= The Duty of Wives to their Husbands V5_1st_after_Easter= Consolation to Be Derived from the Resurrection in the Trials of Life
2nd Sunday after Easter V1_2nd_after_Easter= The Punishment of Ingratitude. V2_2nd_after_Easter= The Advantages of Perseverance V3_2nd_after_Easter= We Must Avoid Venial Sin, Because It Is Small V4_2nd_after_Easter= Jealousy in the Married State V5_2nd_after_Easter= Profit We Can Derive from the Consideration of the Trials of the Just
3rd Sunday after Easter V1_3rd_after_Easter= The Shamelessness of Those Who Boast of their Sins V2_3rd_after_Easter= Evil Thoughts V3_3rd_after_Easter= Consolation in Adversity V4_3rd_after_Easter= The Unnecessary Troubles of Married People V5_3rd_after_Easter= Justice and Short Duration of the Trials of the Just and the Prosperity of the Wicked
4th Sunday after Easter V1_4th_after_Easter= The Hopeless State of Those Who Boast of their Sins V2_4th_after_Easter= Guarding the Eyes V3_4th_after_Easter= Fidelity to God in Joy and in Sorrow V4_4th_after_Easter= Consolation of Married People in Trouble V5_4th_after_Easter= The Consideration of Our Last End
5th Sunday after Easter V1_5th_after_Easter= False and useless prayer V2_5th_after_Easter= Prayer for Perseverance in Good V3_5th_after_Easter= The Object of Prayer V4_5th_after_Easter= Prayer of Married People In their Troubles V5_5th_after_Easter= God’s Earnest Wish to Save the Souls of All Men
6th Sunday after Easter V1_6th_after_Easter= The Depravity of Cursing V2_6th_after_Easter= Avoiding Bad and Dangerous Company V3_6th_after_Easter= The Consolation to be Derived from Remembering the Presence of God V4_6th_after_Easter= Reflection in the Actual Selection of a State of Life V5_6th_after_Easter= The Hope of the Just to Attain Eternal Happiness
Season of Pentecost – Pentecost Sunday V1_Pentecost Sunday= The Malice of Cursing V2_Pentecost Sunday= The Remembrance of the Presence of God, a Preservative against Sin V3_Pentecost Sunday= The Grace of the Holy Ghost V4_Pentecost Sunday= The Dignity of Christians, who are Children of God V5_Pentecost Sunday= The Vanity of the Hope of Heaven in Those Who Do Not Keep the Commandments of God
1st Sunday after Pentecost V1_1st_after_Pentecost= The Necessity of Correcting the Habit of Cursing V2_1st_after_Pentecost=The Mercy of God and His Patience with Sinners V3_1st_after_Pentecost= The Holiness of the Sacrifice of the Mass V4_1st_after_Pentecost= The Life Becoming the Children of God V5_1st_after_Pentecost= The Hope of Heaven that Is Founded on Certain Pious Practices Is Very Deceitful
2nd Sunday after Pentecost V1_2nd_after_Pentecost= Unworthy Communion V2_2nd_after_Pentecost= How the Procrastinating Sinner Insults God V3_2nd_after_Pentecost= The Honor Given to God in the Holy Mass V4_2nd_after_Pentecost= The Evil of Being too much Occupied V5_2nd_after_Pentecost= The Timely Reception of the Viaticum
3rd Sunday after Pentecost V1_3rd_after_Pentecost= The Wickedness of Defaming the Character of our Neighbor V2_3rd_after_Pentecost= The Danger of Deferring Repentance V3_3rd_after_Pentecost= The Mass as a Sacrifice of Atonement V4_3rd_after_Pentecost= The guiltiness of a too busy Life V5_3rd_after_Pentecost= The False Hope of the Sinner Who Trusts in the Mercy of God
4th Sunday after Pentecost V1_4th _after_Pentecost= The Folly of the Proud V2_4th _after_Pentecost= Vain Is the Labor of the Actual Sinner V3_4th _after_Pentecost= The Mass as a Sacrifice of Thanksgiving V4_4th _after_Pentecost= The Truth of the Catholic Religion V5_4th _after_Pentecost= The Vain Hope of a Death-Bed Repentance
5th Sunday after Pentecost V1_5th _after_Pentecost= The Irreparable Injury Caused By Defaming Another’s Character V2_5th_after_Pentecost= The Uselessness of Prayer and Sacrifice without Reconciliation V3_5th_after_Pentecost= How to Hear Mass with Fruit V4_5th_after_Pentecost= The Sins of Christians V5_5th_after_Pentecost= The Worthlessness of a Death bed Repentance
6th Sunday after Pentecost V1_6th _after_Pentecost= The Injurious Effects of Gluttony V2_6th_after_Pentecost= The Necessity of the Sacrament of Penance V3_6th_after_Pentecost= The Conformity of Joy of Conscience with the Inspired Word of God V4_6th_after_Pentecost= The All-Wise Providence of God in Arranging Different States of Life V5_6th_after_Pentecost= The Powerful Means of Salvation that All Men Have At Hand
7th Sunday after Pentecost V1_7th _after_Pentecost= Manifold Ways of Defaming Our Neighbor’s Character V2_7th_after_Pentecost= Confession an Easy Means of Salvation V3_7th_after_Pentecost= On the Holiness of Our Daily Actions V4_7th_after_Pentecost= The Usefulness of Alms-Giving for Eternal Life V5_7th_after_Pentecost= Avoiding Idleness If We Wish to Gain Heaven
8th Sunday after Pentecost V1_8th _after_Pentecost= The Vain Labor of the Avaricious V2_8th_after_Pentecost= The Efficacy of the Sacrament of Penance V3_8th_after_Pentecost= The Order and Manner in Which to Do our Daily Work V4_8th_after_Pentecost= The Decent Poor V5_8th_after_Pentecost= The Reason For The Last Judgment
9th Sunday after Pentecost V1_9th _after_Pentecost= The Carelessness of the Avaricious in Neglecting God during Life V2_9th_after_Pentecost= The Choice of a Good Confessor V3_9th_after_Pentecost= The Good Intention in our Daily Actions V4_9th_after_Pentecost= The Necessity of Hearing the Word of God in Sermons V5_9th_after_Pentecost= Presumptuously Scrutinizing the Divine Decrees
10th Sunday after Pentecost V1_10th _after_Pentecost= The Unhappy Death of the Avaricious V2_10th_after_Pentecost= Prayer before Confession V3_10th_after_Pentecost= Avoiding Vainglory in our Daily Actions V4_10th_after_Pentecost= How We Should Hear Sermons V5_10th_after_Pentecost= The Justice of the Divine Decrees
11th Sunday after Pentecost V1_11th _after_Pentecost= On Uncharitable Listeners V2_11th_after_Pentecost= The Nature of the Examen of Conscience V3_11th_after_Pentecost= The Sign of Vainglory, and the Means of Guarding against it V4_11th_after_Pentecost= How One Should Hear Sermons V5_11th_after_Pentecost= Another Reason for the General Judgment
12th Sunday after Pentecost V1_12th _after_Pentecost= Injustice an Effect of Avarice V2_12th_after_Pentecost= Candor in the Examen of Conscience V3_12th_after_Pentecost= Doing the Will of God Exactly in All Things V4_12th_after_Pentecost= How One Should Act after Hearing a Sermon V5_12th_after_Pentecost= The Sufficient though Unequal Graces for Salvation That Are Given to All Men
13th Sunday after Pentecost V1_13th _after_Pentecost= The Necessity of Restoring Ill-Gotten Goods V2_13th_after_Pentecost= The Necessity and Nature of Sorrow for Sin V3_13th_after_Pentecost= The Reason We Have For Being Grateful To God V4_13th_after_Pentecost= The Duties of the Laity toward Priests V5_13th_after_Pentecost= The Gaining an Increase of Heavenly Glory in This Life
14th Sunday after Pentecost V1_14th _after_Pentecost= The Presumption of Every Sinner V2_14th_after_Pentecost= Two Essentials of True Sorrow for Sin V3_14th_after_Pentecost= The Advantages of Gratitude to God V4_14th_after_Pentecost= The Duties of Servants toward Their Masters and Mistresses V5_14th_after_Pentecost= The Easy Means That We May Use To Increase Our Glory In Heaven.
15th Sunday after Pentecost V1_15th _after_Pentecost= The Circumstances of Restitution V2_15th_after_Pentecost= The Nature of a Purpose of Amendment V3_15th_after_Pentecost= The Many Reasons we have for Being Grateful to God V4_15th_after_Pentecost= The Christian Training of Children V5_15th_after_Pentecost= The Frequent Consideration of Death
16th Sunday after Pentecost V1_16th _after_Pentecost= To Find Fault with the Actions of Others V2_16th _after_Pentecost= The Matter of Confession V3_16th _after_Pentecost= The Nature of Gratitude to God V4_16th _after_Pentecost= The Reasons Why Parents Should Bring up Their Children in a Christian Manner V5_16th _after_Pentecost= How to Make the Thought of Death Useful
17th Sunday after Pentecost V1_17th _after_Pentecost= The Number of Those Who Love Their Neighbor Is Very Small V2_17th _after_Pentecost= The Advantage of a General Confession V3_17th _after_Pentecost= The Motives for Loving Our Neighbor V4_17th _after_Pentecost= The Teaching That Parents Should Give Their Children V5_17th _after_Pentecost= Careful Preparation for Death
18th Sunday after Pentecost V1_18th _after_Pentecost= Blasphemy V2_18th _after_Pentecost= The Advantage of a General Confession V3_18th _after_Pentecost= The Way and Manner in Which We Should Love Our Neighbor V4_18th _after_Pentecost= The Watchfulness of Parents over their Children V5_18th _after_Pentecost= The Premature Death of the Idle
19th Sunday after Pentecost V1_19th _after_Pentecost= The Malice of Irreverence in Church V2_19th _after_Pentecost= The Manner of Confession V3_19th _after_Pentecost= The Reasons for Fraternal Correction V4_19th _after_Pentecost= The Due Chastisement of Children V5_19th _after_Pentecost= The Remorse of the Dying on Account of Time Lost through Idleness
20th Sunday after Pentecost V1_20th _after_Pentecost= The incurableness of the vice of impurity V2_20th _after_Pentecost= Gratitude for the Benefit of Penance V3_20th _after_Pentecost= The Duty of Fraternal Correction V4_20th _after_Pentecost= The Paternal Chastisement of Children V5_20th _after_Pentecost= The Uncertainty of Death
21st Sunday after Pentecost V1_21st_after_Pentecost= The Unreasonableness of Giving Way to Anger V2_21st_after_Pentecost= The Wickedness of Those Who Sin in the Hope of Being Forgiven in Confession V3_21st_after_Pentecost= The Manner in Which Fraternal Correction Should Be Administered V4_21st_after_Pentecost= The Good Example of Parents to their Children V5_21st_after_Pentecost= Purgatory after Death
22nd Sunday after Pentecost V1_22nd_after_Pentecost= The Injury done One’s Self and God by Finding Fault V2_22nd_after_Pentecost= God’s Goodness towards the Penitent Sinner V3_22nd_after_Pentecost= Readiness to Accept Fraternal Correction V4_22nd_after_Pentecost= The Necessity of Parents Giving Good Example to Their Children V5_22nd_after_Pentecost= Death Will Come Unexpectedly
23rd Sunday after Pentecost V1_23rd_after_Pentecost= The injustice of human respect V2_23rd_after_Pentecost= The Concealment of Sins in Confession through Shame V3_23rd_after_Pentecost= The Gratitude of the Souls in Purgatory towards their Benefactors V4_23rd_after_Pentecost= The Duty of Feeding and Supporting Children V5_23rd_after_Pentecost= The Unhappy Death of the Wicked
24th Sunday after Pentecost V1_24th _after_Pentecost= The Loquacious Tongue V2_24th _after_Pentecost= Frequent Confession the Means of Final Perseverance V3_24th _after_Pentecost= The Efficacy of Prayer V4_24th _after_Pentecost= The Great Care That Parents Must Take of their Children, As Far As Temporal Things Are Concerned V5_24th _after_Pentecost= The Coming and the Cruelty of Antichrist
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