Enjoy the sermons, audiobooks, videos, humor, and other information.

Patrick Henry

970 W. State Route 366

Safford, AZ 85546

Christmas eve and Christmas Day

Father Leonard Goffine and the Church’s Year

On Honoring God by Conformity with His Will = Vol. 3 of Father Hunolts’s sermons.  Father explains the extremely important need we have to live in complete uniformity with God’s Will.  This is the summit of perfection and a very important subject to understand and live the remainder of our lives.

Sermon of Saint John Mary Vianney

3 sermons from the Breviay

Saint Thomas Aquinas explains the Gospel – from the Catena Aurea

The Word Was Made Flesh.  This is chapter four from the book As I Have Loved You.  Please listen to Father John Kearney explain some very important things about the greatest event that ever happened in the history of the world – the Incarnation of the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity. http://www.jmjsite.com/a/47/Incarnation.mp3