22nd Sunday after Pentecost

Father Leonard Goffine & The Church’s Year

Abridged Sermons for all Sundays of the Year by Saint Alphonsus Maria De Liguori, Doctor of the Church.  Straits and Anguish of Dying Christians  Audio MP3 file

Sermon of the Cure of Ars – Saint John Marie Vianney Restitution (Ill-gotten goods never bring advantage; Ill-gotten Goods a Curse; Many of you are thieves; Restitution indispensable.)

Sermon of Saint John Mary Vianney = The Soul of Man the Image of God = Audio MP3 file

Five short sermons by Father Francis Hunolt as PDF

V1=22nd after Pentecost –The Injury done One’s Self and God by Finding Fault

V2=22nd after Pentecost – God’s Goodness towards the Penitent Sinner

V3=22nd after Pentecost – Readiness to Accept Fraternal Correction

V4=22nd after Pentecost – The Necessity of Parents Giving Good Example to their Children

V5=22nd after Pentecost – Death Will Come Unexpectedly

Five short sermons by Father Francis Hunolt as Audio MP3 files  V1_22nd_after_Pentecost= The Injury done One’s Self and God by Finding Fault  V2_22nd_after_Pentecost= God’s Goodness towards the Penitent Sinner  V3_22nd_after_Pentecost= Readiness to Accept Fraternal Correction  V4_22nd_after_Pentecost= The Necessity of Parents Giving Good Ex­ample to Their Children  V5_22nd_after_Pentecost= Death Will Come Unexpectedly

Saint Thomas explains the Gospel